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Jul 2018

One of my professional work which is called "VR Museum" was picked up on Nikkei and Mogura VR. Nikkei is a major economics newspaper in Japan. Mogura VR is a web media which focus on  VR contents.

These articles announce that VR Museum became a regular exhibition at Tobokuga Gallay in Fukui in Japan.

VR Museum -Nikkei & Mogura VR-

SEP 2017

I published a guidebook focused on Material in UE4. The reader can learn several useful materials for environment through this book. This book is for a beginner. I wrote the book with Monsho who is a graphics programmer. Sale in Japan only.

Unreal Engine 4 Material Guidebook Vol.2

JUL 2017

CG World is a speciality magazine of computer graphics in Japan. I wrote about my personal work "Libray". The article focused on how to use Substance Designer & Blueprint in UE4 through the project.

CGWorld Vol.227

OCT 2016

Unreal Fest is an official Unreal Engine Conference held by Epic Games Japan. I spoke about my personal work "Library". I delivered how I made this scene, and achieve my target through this project.

This side is the only Japanese.

Unreal Fest 2016 Yokohama

Jun 2016

I took an interview about my personal work "Library". 

80lv. Interview

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